Thursday, June 6, 2019


For digital projects, such as our up and coming one, copyright rules can be tricky. It is commonly known that whenever you make reference to anything, whether it be online or hardcopy, the owner of the material needs to be credited. Most people know how to give credit to an author of text because their name usually sticks with their work. Images on the other hand, can be much more tricky to cite and avoid copyright issues. Simply googling an image and copying the link it was found on does not mean that that website is the true creator. In order to avoid copyright, one should try to reverse image search to locate the image's true origin. 

Typically, museums will let people borrow their images as long as you agree to their copyright terms. As I was looking at the different museum websites, the one that I found most intriguing was the Loudoun Museum's policy on their image reproduction and use. According to their website, you can use their images if you purchase them. No other details about their copyright policies were given which seemed odd. The other museum websites did not really feature copyright policies either but they all did have the copyright symbol with the "All rights reserved" statement. 

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